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The advantages for the diagnostics industry


Advanced Technology for Precise Diagnostics

At FEMTOprint, we specialize in providing state-of-the-art technology tailored for the diagnostics industry. Our innovative solutions are particularly advantageous for devices that require the optical detection of analytes.

Unmatched Sensor Integration

Our sensors are designed to integrate seamlessly with diagnostic devices, ensuring accurate and reliable detection of various analytes. FEMTOprint's advanced optical sensors are engineered to meet the highest standards of precision and efficiency, making them ideal for a wide range of diagnostic applications.

Optical Integration of Lenses

One of the key features of FEMTOprint’s technology is the optical integration of lenses. Our expertise in lens integration enhances the performance of diagnostic devices, providing superior clarity and accuracy in analyte detection. By incorporating high-quality optical lenses, we ensure that our diagnostic solutions deliver precise and dependable results.




FEMTOprint offers a full range of Contract Development, Rapid Prototyping and Contract Manufacturing services to meet your products demand.


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