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Enabling a world of possibilities

At FEMTOprint we aim to foster an unparalleled transformation in quantum technologies through dedicated engineering expertise and a tailored micro-fabrication platform. It enables the design, fabrication, assembly and quality control of ion traps and other quantum-related components. This is all done whilst leveraging the integration of optical and photonic functionalities to turn quantum ideas into radical innovations.

Why FEMTOprint

Unique engineering know-how in core quantum products.
Support to product development through wafer-based scale-up production.
Solid expertise in trenches geometries and integration.
Monolithic construction of complex, three-dimensional traps compatible with wafer-scale volumes production
Metallic coating services for electrical connectivity (i.e. electrodes).
Precision assembly of multi-layer traps using laser welding technology.
Verified performances through functional quality control.
Cleaning and packaging procedures compatible with the requirements of fab foundries.
Monolithic integration of optics & photonics components (i.e. optical connectivity).



FEMTOprint is the industry leader in ultrafast, 3D laser processing of transparent glass materials.


FEMTOprint offers a full range of Contract Development, Rapid Prototyping and Contract Manufacturing services to meet your products demand.

Are you interested in Quantum / Applications

Let us have a talk with our expert.

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