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Innovation is the driving force behind progress.

We believe that collaboration is the key to unlock its full potential.

By partnering with renowned Universities and Research Institutes across the globe, we support today’s knowledge and expertise that will become the standard of tomorrow.

FEMTOprint offers fast-prototyping services with low minimum quantities and very fast production cycles to turn your ideas into reality quickly and efficiently. Our team of highly educated and interdisciplinary experts can tackle even the most complex and innovative R&D projects.                                            

What we offer

A technology platform renowned for its excellency and industrial impact for glass 3D microfabrication
A team of highly educated engineers with 10+ PhD’s degrees
An extensive know-how in developing microfluidic, micromechanical, quantum, optical and photonic devices for an extensive range of applications

FEMTOprint is the industry leader in ultrafast, 3D laser processing of transparent glass materials.


FEMTOprint offers a full range of Contract Development, Rapid Prototyping and Contract Manufacturing services to meet your products demand.

Are you interested in R&D / Sciences / Applications

Let us have a talk with our expert.

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