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Technology platforms for medical applications

Over the last 10 years FEMTOprint has been specializing in the development and fabrication of meaningful healthcare solutions at competitive price and outperformance level.

To this extent we can leverage the interdisciplinary know-how that we could gather from the multiple markets that we serve. Technically, we can lower products cost through the vertical integration of different technologies, thus eventually guarantying increased product quality. With the flexibility of our engineering platform, we are able to develop innovative systems for the lowest total cost of ownership.

Our technology platforms for medical applications are operated under the ISO 13485 standard for Quality Management.

Long Lifecycle

Our products are manufactured to fulfil the medical market requirements like product lifecycles of 10 years +.

ISO 13485 ISO Certified

Our design and manufacturing facilities are certified according to the ISO 13485:2016 standard for quality management.

One-Stop Shop

We support our Customers with integrated solutions combining different technology building-blocks and taking the responsibility as a total solution provider.

Cost & Performances

We excel in product performance with the integration of the latest technologies that may contribute to performance and quality increase as well as to cost reduction.



FEMTOprint is the industry leader in ultrafast, 3D laser processing of transparent glass materials.


FEMTOprint offers a full range of Contract Development, Rapid Prototyping and Contract Manufacturing services to meet your products demand.

Are you interested in Medtech / Applications

Let us have a talk with our expert.

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