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Ion traps are core devices with exceptional requirements

Whether used in optical atomic clocks, precision spectroscopy, sensing, quantum communication, or quantum computing and simulation, ion traps are core devices with exceptional requirements. This is in terms of geometrical accuracy, profile complexity, surface quality and product performance.

Our expertise extends to the 3D micro-manufacturing of complex Ion Traps. These are machined with intricate details. These unique masterpieces are more than devices; they are pathways shaping innovation in a three-dimensional space, thus enabling breakthroughs across different applications.

Ion traps are core devices with exceptional requirements

Monolithic fabrication compatible with wafer-scale volume production
Complex 3D geometries
Overhanging structures
Minimum trench width < 10 µm
Sharp or curved edges
Single-µm tolerances

Ion Traps

Unique engineering know-how in core quantum products
Support to product development through wafer-based scale-up production
ISO 9001 certified procedures compatible with fab foundries standards
Monolithic fabrication of complex, three-dimensional traps with integrated optical & photonic components
A vertically integrated platform. They include metallic coatings, precision assembly of multi-layer traps and functional quality control

FEMTOprint offers a full range of Contract Development, Rapid Prototyping and Contract Manufacturing services to meet your products demand.


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