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Growth is a natural part of our journey, thus, BIG DREAMS NEED BIG SPACES!

This year FEMTOprint celebrates its 10th anniversary — a decade dedicated to innovation in advanced laser micro-fabrication in glass, making us a global, multi-sectorial leader in high-value microdevice manufacturing. 

Growth is a natural part of our journey, thus, BIG DREAMS NEED BIG SPACES!

We're thrilled to announce another important milestone of 2024: 

As of October 1st, 2024, our headquarters will be located in a new, modern, and larger facility! 

This move represents a major leap forward in our roadmap, setting the stage for an extended manufacturing plant and QC area, a new chemical laboratory and R&D facility to best accompany our Customers demands for the years to come. Our new location has been designed from scratch to inspire creativity and fuel our passion for our work, and we can’t wait to share it with you.

We’ll be completing our move throughout September but rest assured that we'll continue delivering the high-quality services you've come to expect from us. 

We ask for understanding if any minor delays occur during this transition time, although we are committed to on-time deliveries.

We look forward to continuing this journey together towards a brighter future, from our modern new home!

New Address =>  FEMTOprint SA: Via Campagna 16, 6982 - Agno. Switzerland  

All other contacts, e-mail & phone number will remain the same.



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